Importance Of Kashmir For Pakistan And India – 8 Important Reasons
The article discusses “Importance of Kashmir. Geo strategic importance of Jammu and Kashmir for India and Pakistan. Strategic importance of Kashmir for Pakistan and India. Geopolitical significance of Jammu and Kashmir. Regional importance of Kashmir. Kashmir importance. Importance of Kashmir.”
Importance Of Kashmir For Pakistan And India

The valley of Jammu and Kashmir is located in the northern part of Subcontinent. Since the independence of both Pakistan and India in 1947, the valley has remained bone of contention between the two countries. The two states have fought three major wars (1948, 1965 and 1998) and several skirmishes for taking control over the valley. Due to Kashmir Issue, relations between the two states have always remained strained. All these factors show the importance of Kashmir for both the states. Why Kashmir is so important for both Pakistan and India can be understood from the following reasons.
Kashmir Issue Main Points And Its Causes
Primary Reasons
These are those reasons that have more importance for both the countries and due to these reasons both Pakistan and India want its accession to them. Some of the primary reasons of importance are given below.
Geostrategic Importance Of Kashmir:
The valley of Jammu and Kashmir has geostrategic importance for both Pakistan and India. Its location and the flow of water in its rivers make it an important upper riparian region for both the states. India has used its water many times as a mean to pressurize Pakistan either by blocking or reducing the flow of water in its rivers. She has also created many times flood like situation in the country by expelling excess water from its dams without pre notification to Pakistan.
Pakistan And The Future Of Kashmir Cause
Pakistan’s Agricultural Sector Depends on Its Waters: According to Ministry of Finance, agriculture contributes 18.9 per cent to Pakistan annual GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Most of the agricultural sector of Pakistan depends on water that flows from Kashmir to Pakistan. Any interruption in its flow of waters affects agricultural sector and its production in Pakistan greatly.
India’s Hydro Electric Power Projects Depends on Its Waters: The fast growing economy and industry of India needs regularly supply of electric energy. To fulfill her needs, she has already created many hydro electric power plants on rivers of Jammu and Kashmir and is planning to establish more. Her energy sector is mostly dependant on its waters.
Aside from the above mentioned Primary Reasons, there are some secondary reasons that too make Jammu and Kashmir important for both Pakistan and India. These reasons are given below.
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Secondary Reasons
Secondary reasons are those that have less importance than the primary for Pakistan and India but still in combination with primary reasons their importance increases. Some of the secondary reasons of importance of Jammu and Kashmir for both Pakistan and India are given below.
Kashmir Agricultural Importance: The fertile land of Kashmir has also agricultural importance for both Pakistan and India. Some very important cash crops such as tea and tobacco are cultivated here which are a great source of revenue for the state of Jammu and Kashmir itself and for the federal government too.
Abundant Forests: The valley of Jammu and Kashmir has some small to medium scale forests that not only increases the beauty of the valley but also are important for environment and state revenue. Today forests are not only important to combat global warming but also play an important role in the development of timber industry in a state.
Great Opportunities Of Tourism Promotion: The valley of Jammu and Kashmir is famous for its beauty in South Asia. It has great opportunities of tourism promotion but unfortunately due to chaotic conditions in the valley tourists are not allowed to visit the valley.
Mineral Resources: The valley also possesses small scale reserves of natural gas and other mineral resources that though are not sufficient but increases the value and importance of the valley.
Land Area: The valley of Jammu and Kashmir has an estimated area of 222,236 Square Kilometers. Desire for the acquisition of such a large piece of land that is full with all necessary factors is another reason.
Resolution Of Kashmir Issue Can Bring Peace And Prosperity In The Region
God has gifted the valley of Jammu and Kashmir with all important factors that not only increases its beauty but also its importance in the region. The above mentioned factors are some of the reasons that increase the importance of Jammu and Kashmir for both Pakistan and India.
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