Impacts of COVID-19 on Social Life in Pakistan – 6 Devastating Effects
The article discusses “Impacts of COVID-19 on social life in Pakistan. Social impacts of COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan. CSS Essay. Impacts of COVID-19 on social life in Pakistan. The socio economic impacts of COVID-19. Impacts of COVID-19 on social life in Pakistan.”
The sudden outbreak of novel COVID-19 and the successive lockdowns not only affected the lives of millions Pakistanis but also in other parts of the world. This was the first time that people experienced something that they had never before. In Pakistan following the principles of quarantine some people went in complete isolation whereas others completely ignored precautions and the lockdown policy. In short the pandemic greatly affected the social life of many people in the country. Some major impacts of COVID-19 on the social life Pakistanis are given below.
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Impacts of COVID-19 on Social Life in Pakistan

In Pakistan the months’ long lockdown severely affected the earning frequency of majority of people, particularly of daily wagers. Similarly many small businessmen due to consecutive lockdown and fluctuating market situation shut down their businesses after a heavy loss. This highly deepened and widened socio economic gape and increased disparity in the society.
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The lockdown also pushed a large number of people below poverty line in a few months in Pakistan. With the successive rise in food prices and decrease in people’s earning the number of people facing acute shortage of food in the country has increased over the past few months.
COVID 19 Exposed Health Disparities in Pakistan
The COVID-19 pandemic also consumed a major portion of health allocated budget in the country. The pandemic also affected primary healthcare facilities particularly maternity care and immunization in Pakistan especially due to the high risk of the transfer of virus from patient to doctor.
Unlike many other social aspects the pandemic has greatly affected the schooling of millions children in the country. A well known international humanitarian organization, Save the Children in its report on Corona Virus and its consequences, has said that nearly 10 million children may never be able to join back their schools. The same report has also identified Pakistan one among the top 12 countries where children are at great risk of being left out of formal education.
Impacts Of COVID-19 on Pakistan Economy
Another well known international humanitarian organization, Christian Aid in its findings on COVID-19 has identified women the most affected gender of the pandemic. In Pakistan like many other third world countries majority of the women works in informal economy that has suffered a great setback due to the pandemic.
For many decades COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered a dark chapter in human history as it upside downs the lives of millions and billions people not only in Pakistan but throughout the world. It brought many changes in social, political and economic spheres of human life whose effects will be observed for many years to come.
In the preparation of above article the author has taken help from the following sources.
- Save the Children Report
- Christian Aid Report
- World Bank Report
- The News – e-news paper
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