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Impact Of Islamic Civilization On The West And Vice Versa CSS – 12 Powerful Impacts

Impact Of Islamic Civilization On The West And Vice Versa CSS – 12 Powerful Impacts

The article discusses “Impact of Islamic civilization on the West and vice versa. Impact of Islamic civilization on the modern world. Contributions of Islamic civilization to the modern world. “Impact of Islamic civilization on the West and vice versa. Islamic achievements and contributions to the modern world. Impact of western civilization on Islamic society. The influence of Islam on medieval Europe pdf. Impact of Islamic civilization on the West and vice versa.”

Impact Of Islamic Civilization On The West And Vice Versa

Though work on the spread of Islam to other parts of the world had started within the life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), however it got momentum after his demise.  As Islam spread to other parts of the world it came in contact with different culture and civilizations. During this interaction Islam in one way or another impacted the social, political and cultural setup of the people. In its contact with the Western civilization, Islam impacted it in the following ways.

impact of islamic civilization on the west

The Role Of Islam in Modern World

Islam led to the birth of enlightened period in West. After the establishment of Muslim state in Visigothic Hispania (present day Spain and Portugal) in 8th century, the area soon became the centre of Islamic learning and other modern and social sciences. Students and teachers from different parts of Europe and Asia took admission in the universities of Al Andalus and learnt science, philosophy, astronomy, medicine and other sciences. By that time Europe was passing through its Dark Age and the learning of science and philosophy was considered revolt against the Church. Students and teachers of Muslim universities on return to their home countries took new ideas and science with them. They taught what they had learnt and began work on more secretly. It took centuries for them to introduce their people with the modern sciences and technology. Today they are leading the world in modern science and technology. 

Muslims scientists and scholars not only recovered and safe the literary work of Ancient Greek scholars but also recorded their own findings in Arabic language. This made Arabic literary language of the world from 8th to 13th century. Those nations, who by that time do not know Arabs, were then forced to learn Arabic for both communication and learning new knowledge.

Muslim scientists laid the foundation of new sciences, discoveries and inventions. They not only integrated old science with the new but also transformed it. Muslim scientist Jabir Ibn Hayyan put the field of Chemistry on a new track. Ibn al Haytham did extraordinary work in field of Physics. He studied the characteristics of light. He also invented Pinhole Camera. Muhammad Ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi contributed in the field of Mathematics, Geography and Astronomy. His famous work is Algebra. In the field of medicines, Muslims scientist Muhammad Ibn Zakriya Al Razi did tremendous work.

Muslim World And The Contemporary Challenges

Paper, gunpowder and navigational instruments reached to Europe from China through Muslim World. Similarly Europe also copied some cultural instruments from Muslims such as the flute, the guitar and the violin. In architecture they copied the pointed arch from Muslims Masjids. King Louis IX built first hospital in 1260 in Paris after returning from Crusade.  

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Caliph Mamun ur Rasheed during his reign built House of Wisdom where people with extraordinary talent from all over the Muslim World gathered and shared their knowledge and performed different experiments. By the middle of the ninth century the House of Wisdom had the largest books collection in the world.

According to the teachings of the Holy Quran Islamic artists are forbidden from using human figures in religious art. They therefore developed a style of geometric shapes and patterns that were used to decorate Masjids. These geometric patterns usually contained verses from the Holy Quran written in a stylized form of decorative handwriting called calligraphy. West copied this art from the Muslims and used in their architecture with some modification.

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Muslims also introduced West with the new technology of Dams construction. In the tenth century Al Kindi proposed a plan to dam the Nile. Many of the dams, reservoirs, and aqueducts constructed at that time throughout the Islam World still exist.

As we know every coin has two sides. Though Islamic civilization on one hand impacted Western society, the West in return also impacted Islamic civilization. The impacts of West on Islamic world can be seen more clearly after the colonization of Muslim world by the Western superpowers. Some of the major impacts of the Western Civilization on Islam have been discussed in below paragraphs.

Affection for the West has created an ever increasing aloofness from theology among Muslims. Today Muslims especially the young generation has clear inclination towards West and science than Islam. They try to find solution of their problems in science and technology. The downside of this is rise of atheism in Muslims.

Another important impact of Western culture over Islamic civilization is the rise in preference of materialism over spiritualism. The West has cultivated love for the materialistic world in the hearts of Muslims. It has started competition among Muslims for worldly success and fame.

The West has also affected the administrative system of Islamic Civilization. It has replaced Caliphate system with modern Communism, Capitalism and Socialism. Though in its system of democracy the West is conceptually influenced from Islamic system of Caliphate.

The development of Western civilization also leads us to globalization. Today the world is called global village because every person today is connected with other through mobile phones and other wireless services. Whereas globalization has brought people close to each other it also has increased the spread of social evils from one corner of the world to the other.

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  1. It’s a full text and is extremely helpful.

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