How To Attempt CSS Papers? 9 Powerful Points
The post explains “How to attempt CSS papers? CSS papers strategy. Rules for CSS examination hall. How to attempt CSS papers? CSS papers strategy. Rules for CSS examination hall. How to attempt CSS papers? CSS papers strategy. Rules for CSS examination hall.”
Mistakes That We Should Avoid While Attempting CSS Papers
Central Superior Services exam is commonly referred as ‘Game Of Nerves’. It has been observed that some aspirants who have done preparation for years, often lose heart during the papers and fail the exam while others who have preparation of hardly a few months pass it. Why is this so?
You might have heard that in CSS fifty percent preparation works and the remaining fifty percent luck. Some CSS aspirants do preparation for years but unfortunately, they could not pass it while others who have preparation of hardly a few months pass it. All this is because of struggle during the examination hall and good methodology of attempting the papers. It is believed that efforts that CSS aspirants do during the examination hall has more importance than whole year preparation. These efforts include;
How To Start CSS Preparation From Zero
- Not giving up
- Staying focus
- Mental jogging
- Time management
How To Attempt CSS Papers?

We cannot say for sure which method is good for attempting CSS papers but we will outline those methods that CSS qualifiers and mentors often recommends. To attempt CSS papers properly, follow these steps.
- Complete your preparation before the start of exam.
- During the exam take good care of your food and sleep. Avoid waking late night.
- It would be good if you go on a short walk in the morning before the breakfast.
- Go to the examination hall confidently and believe in yourself. Your preparation is complete and you can qualify it.
- Do not take notes or book with yourself to the examination hall. Also do not read anything before the start of paper. It will not help you instead it will confuse you more.
- It is highly possible that you may answer all the questions but you should go for those questions first that need little references, quotations and data.
- A good practice of attempting CSS paper is drawing a rough sketch of your answer in one of the last pages. The sketch may include topics, sub topics, bullet points and data. Sometimes we lost rack during attempting the question. This sketch and bullet points will help us staying focused.
- During the paper try to stay focus. Write only relevant things in the paper. Irrelevancy will only cost you time.
- Your paper should have these parts; Introduction, History/Background, Body, Conclusion.
Generally it is believed that introduction and conclusion of each question has a lot more importance than the body of answer, so you should highly focus on these parts of your answer.
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