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Hajj Info And Introduction MCQs

Hajj Info And Introduction MCQs

Hajj Info And Introduction MCQs. Hajj Info And Introduction MCQs.

Take Online Test in All These MCQs at Islamiat MCQs Online Test

Hajj Info And Introduction MCQs

1 Hajj literally means

To intend

2 Hajj also means

A sacred journey

3 When Hajj was become obligatory?

9th Hijry

4 How many times the command of Hajj has been given in the Noble Quran?

One (Plz Check)

5 The command of Hajj has been given in which surah?

Surah Al Imran

Types Of Hajj MCQs

6 When first Hajj was performed?

9th Hijry

7 Under whose leadership the first Hajj was performed?

Abu Bakar Sadiq (RA)

8 How many Hajj the Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed in His life?


9 When the Prophet (PBUH) did performed Hajj?

10TH Hijry

10 How many animals sacrifice did Prophet (PBUH) had performed?

63 camels

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