General Science MCQs Part V
71 Emission line spectrum will be obtained from
Sodium lamp
72 The Malpighian layer of the skin is
A continuous layer of the cells
73 A Vacuole has
A mixture of different substances dissolved in water
74 During the compression of the refrigerant gas in an electric refrigerator, the temperature of the gas
75 The plants that do not die after producing flower and seeds but persists season to season, though with a reduced growth during dry season are called
Perennial plants
76 The development of Electron Microscope has now made it possible to observe
A Virus
77 Mercury is used in thermometer because it
Expands uniformly
78 Excretion is the
Removal nitrogenous waste material of the body
79 The science which deals with study of fossils plants is known as
80 The illumination of the earth by the sun is greater at noon because
The rays are less brighter at noon
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