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General Science MCQs Part V

General Science MCQs Part V

General Science MCQs Part V. General Science MCQs Part V. General Science MCQs Part V.

General Science MCQs Part V

1 Detailed weather forecast can be accurately up to

Two (2) days

2 Polarized glass is used in sunglass because

It reduces the light intensity to half on account of Polarization

3 Athlete’s foot is caused by a


4 The branch of biology that deals with cell structure is called


5 Sweat glands occur in greatest number in the skin of the

Palm of the hand

6 Charmed particle referred to

An exotic nuclear particle

7 Compton effect is associated to


8 The lungs are two thin walled elastic sacs lying in the


9 Ampere hour is a unit of

Quantity of electricity

10 A patient of Scurvy has problems of

Bleeding gums, Anaemia and Debility

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