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General Science MCQs Part IV

General Science MCQs Part IV

51 At Absolute Zero Temperature

All molecules come to rest and have zero energy

52 Morphine is an


53 The principal organ concerned in the loss of heat from the body is


54 The condition in which the eyes are weak and tire easily is called


55 The roofs of houses in hot countries are often made of corrugated steel. This is because the steel

Reflects the sun’s heat

56 Henry is the unit of

Both self and mutual inductance

57 Lack of Vitamin A causes

Poor night vision

58 If a star emitting yellow light starts moving towards the earth, its colour as seen from the earth will

Turn gradually blue

59 The act of sneezing is an attempt by the body to expel air to get rid of the

Irritating bodies

60 Who was the father of medicine?


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