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General Science MCQs Part IV

General Science MCQs Part IV

General Science MCQs Part IV. General Science MCQs Part IV. General Science MCQs Part IV.

General Science MCQs Part IV

1 We are now living in the geological era called


2 A concave mirror forms

Both real and virtual images

3 Helium is

A very light gas

4 Helium was discovered in

19th Century

5 A n atom of iron is how many times heavier than an atom of hydrogen?

55 times

6 The rays that are used to detect defects or diseases of bones are

Roentgen rays

7 Red paint inside a cane does not look red. What does it look like?


8 An object that absorbs all lights and reflects none appears


9 Till recently man’s greatest invention was considered to be the wheel. At present, man is caught in the struggle to

Obtain maximum energy from atom

10 Water at the top of a fall or behind a dam is an example of

Potential energy

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