General Science MCQs Part III
61 Water can be made to boil without heating it, if the pressure acting on it is
Considerably decreased
62 The element that is most useful to man to reach the present stage of civilization is
63 The three sensations that buds of tongue gives us are
Bitter, Salt, Sweet
64 Absolute Zero is a temperature of
– 273 C
65 The highest and lowest temperature that a Mercury thermometer can record is
357 C and 39 C
66 Astigmatism is a defect of the
Eyes or an eye lens
67 Newton is known for his researches on
Laws of gravitation
68 Malthus propounded the celebrated theory of
69 Name the scientist whose Quantum theory form the basis of modern physics.
Max Planck
70 The energy that travels along a telephone line is
Electrical energy
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