General Science MCQs Part III
41 Which one of the following is important for the normal functioning of plant cell?
42 The purpose of a filament in radio tube is to
Emit electrons
43 The thin epithelium which lines the inside of the eyelids and continues across the front of the eyeball, where it is transparent is called
44 The release of energy from food material by a process of chemical reaction which does not require oxygen is called
Anaerobic respiration
45 The release of energy from food material by a process of chemical reaction which requires oxygen is called
Aerobic respiration
46 The rate of change of distance moved with time is called
47 The canal rays are
A stream of positively charged particles
48 As the number of micro-organisms in a soil increases, the amount of humus in the soil
49 The two testes, which are the male reproduction organs, lie outside the abdominal cavity, in a special sac called
50 A membrane of skin and fine fibres is stretched across the innermost end of the outer ear, closing it off completely. This membrane is called
Oval window
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