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General Science MCQs Part III

General Science MCQs Part III

General Science MCQs Part III. General Science MCQs Part III. General Science MCQs Part III.

General Science MCQs Part III

1 Which planet of the Solar System has longest day?


2 Quinine, the drug that is used to fight Malaria is obtained from the tree known as


3 The bright star nearest to the Solar System (or earth) is

Proxima Centuri

4 According to latest research, the universe is


5 The theory known as ‘‘Laws of Planetary Motions’’ was propounded by


6 The volume of Sun is about 13,000,000 times that of


7 The depth of ocean is measured by using

Ultrasonic sound waves

8 The size of icebergs varies but only one thing is common to all. Only a __________ part of an iceberg remains above the sea-level.


9 Earth’s axis always point in the same direction, towards the


10 When water vapours comes into contact with the earth vegetation, it leaves drops of water on its leaves. What is it called?


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