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General Science MCQs Part II

General Science MCQs Part II

61 If water is to be used in simple barometer, the water column would have to be

10.3 meter long

62 Which is used in the measurement of high temperature?

Thermo-electric pyrometer

63 Liver, milk, egg yolk, fish liver oil are the source of

Vitamin D

64 Coronary heart diseases is most often found in persons suffering from

High blood pressure

65 As person becomes older, his/her blood pressure generally


66 Chemical compounds, proteins in nature, made in the cells of living organisms are called


67 Sound waves above 20,000 MHz are called


68 As a metal rod increases in length due to heating, its diameter


69 Light waves are

Transverse waves

70 Which of the following is Vector Quantity?

Electric field intensity

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