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General Science MCQs Part II

General Science MCQs Part II

11 A radio station broadcasts at 30 meter band. The frequency of electromagnetic waves transmitted from this station could be

10 MHz

12 An iron ball and a wooden ball of the same radius are released from the same height in vacuum. The time taken by both the balls to reach the ground are

Exactly equal

13 Man’s chief competitors for available food supply are


14 Hawks are valuable because they

Destroy mice

15 In some leaves the outer most layer secrets a continuous waxy layer called


16 In leaves the outermost layer is called


17 A photoelectric cell converts

Light energy into electric energy

18 The image formed on the retina of the eye is

Real and inverted

19 Vampire bats are the bats that eat


20 In a honeybee colony, what category of bee is the drone?

A male bee, non-working

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