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General Science MCQs Part II

General Science MCQs Part II

General Science MCQs Part II. General Science MCQs Part II. General Science MCQs Part II.

General Science MCQs Part II

1 Fresh fruits and food contain more of


2 In the body salt is stored up in the


3 The best remedy for a person who works for long hours together on desk and get exhausted is to

Take a long walk

4 The capillaries are tiny vessels that carry blood from

Veins to Arteries

5 When we cut our nails short, we do not feel the pain or hurt. This is because nails are

A horn-like material

6 Why do we laugh?

To express our feelings

7 Which is the fastest four legged animal?


8 What is the name of the bird that can stay still in the air by side of a flower and searches its food of nectar and insects in it?

Humming bird

9 Fish breathe through


10 If seeds, rather than grafts, are used to develop an apple orchard, the prospect of for a profitable crop


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