General Science MCQs Part I
81 Rutherford is the scientist known for
The first man-made transmutations
82 A tissue is made up of
Several cells of same origins joined together
83 The ciliated cells form the lining of
84 The calyx consists of
85 ‘‘To every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction’’ is
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
86 Conversion of Ammeter into Voltmeter requires
High resistance in series and removal of shunt
87 Which element has proteins, fats and carbohydrates in common?
88 Any micro-organism which is capable of producing a disease condition is said to be
89 If a gymnast sitting on a rotating stool with his arms outstretched, suddenly lowers his arms
Moment of inertia decreases
90 Big ships and boats for floating in oceans follow which principle?
Archimedes Principle
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