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General Science MCQs Part I

General Science MCQs Part I

21 What will happen when the lid of a bottle, containing water at 30 degree Celsius, is opened on the surface of moon?

Water will boil

22 Much of the credit for developing the Compound Microscope is given to

Van Leeuwenhoek

23 Physiology is mainly concerned with

Activity of the body

24 According to a hypothesis, the first living organisms obtained energy directly from

Organic molecules in the ocean

25 One of the man-made elements is


26 After having six daughters, the chances of parents to produce a son is


27 Worn-out red corpuscles are decomposed in the


28 Sound waves in air are

Longitudinal waves

29 What is Botany?

Study of plants life

30 Contract, an eye disease, appears to have occurred if

General vision have become excessively cloudy

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