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General Science MCQs Part I

General Science MCQs Part I

91 Electrons carries

A negative charge

92 Radium is naturally


93 Sunlight is composed of how many colours?

Seven (7)

94 As temperature rises, the speed of sound


95 The Two kinds of energy described by science are

Potential and Kinetic energy

96 Combustion is the other name of


97 As far back as 3000 years from now, a European nation knew that rubbing of amber pieces produces charge that attract some objects and which was later known as static electricity. Which nation was it?


98 Human growth is conditioned and are regulated by a system of glands, called

Endocrine glands

99 When sex glands in the body develop late, the person becomes

Taller in height

100 Digestion start as soon as the food

Enters the mouth

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