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General Knowledge MCQs Part III

General Knowledge MCQs Part III

11 What was the name of oldest animal that scientist accidentally killed at the age of 507?

Ming, an ocean quahog

12 When was petroleum discovered in Saudi Arabia?

3rd March 1938

13 What country consumes the most oil?


14 Who is the youngest Muslim woman to climb Mount Everst?

Samina Baig

15 Which country has the richest history?


16 How much time it takes for sunlight to reach earth?

Eight minutes

17 Which is the highest battleground on earth?

Siachen glacier

18 When was Paris Protocol signed?

29 April 1994

19 Who are the members of Paris Protocol?

Israel and PLO

20 Which country has the richest middle class?

Canada (2015 report)

21 Which is the deepest part of the earth?

Dead Sea

22 Which city is called the city of mosques?


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