Gender Studies MCQs In Perspective Of Pakistan 80 Important MCQs
41- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in rural areas of AJ&K is __________.
42- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in AJ&K is __________.
43- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in urban areas of GB is __________.
44- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in rural areas of GB is __________.
45- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in urban areas of FATA is __________.
46- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in rural areas of FATA is __________.
47- The overall enrolment percentage of female in schools in FATA is __________.
48-In Pakistan more than ___________ of girls never enrol in school.
40 percent
49-Pakistan female population is estimated to be __________ of the total population.
48.65 percent
50-According to Labour Force Statistics (LFS) of 2012-2013, out of ______ people, only _______ Pakistani females are in employment of some sort.
180 million, 12.51 million
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