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Gender Studies MCQs Part XIV

Gender Studies MCQs Part XIV

Gender Studies MCQs Part XIV. Gender Studies MCQs Part XIV. Gender Studies MCQs Part XIV.

Take Online Test in All These MCQs at Gender Studies CSS MCQs Test Online

Gender Studies MCQs Part XIV

1 What is the name of Slovakia first ever female president elected recently, April 2019?

 Zuzana Caputova

2 Asia Noreen aka Asia Bibi took asylum in which western country?


3 When was the controversial Aurat March held in Pakistan?

8th March 2019

4 What is the name of Managing Director and Chairman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?

Christine Lagarde

5 What is the name of German female Chancellor that has been elected for the fourth term in office?

Angela Merkel

6 What is the name of German first female Chancellor?

Angela Merkel

7 What is the name of first female Prime Minister of United Kingdom?

Margaret Thatcher

8 What is the name of present female Prime Minister of United Kingdom?

Theresa May

9 Who is ranking as the number female bowler in ICC One Day International (ODI) cricket matches?

Sana Mir

10 To which country Sana Mir belongs?


Gender Studies MCQs Part XIII

11 When Sana Mir became the number One female bowler in ICC ODI?

October 2018

12 What is the name of New Zealand Prime Minister?

Jacinda Ardern

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  1. […] Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 […]

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