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Gender Studies MCQs Part XII

Gender Studies MCQs Part XII

11 The film “A Girl in The River” was based on

Honor Killing

12 Who is the director of the film “A Girl in The River”?

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy

13 Who presented the World System Theory?

Immanuel Wallerstein

14 What is female literacy rate in Pakistan?

45% (thenation 2016 report)

15 Who is the author of the book Gender Trouble?

Judith Butler

16 Who is the first female Pakistan’s Representative to the United Nations?

Maleeha Lodhi

17 Who is the author of Pakistan’s Encounter with Democracy?

Maleeha Lodhi

18 What is another famous book of Maleeha Lodhi?

Pakistan Beyond the Crisis

19 When Malala Day is celebrated?

12th July

20 When the Supreme Court of Pakistan declared “Triple Talaqq” unconstitutional?


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