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Gender Studies MCQs Part V

Gender Studies MCQs Part V

11 What does First Wave Feminism demanded?

Right of vote for women

12 NAWSA stands for what?

The National American Women’s Suffrage Association 

13 Second Wave Feminism emerged in the years

1960s to 1970s

14 In USA Black feminists raised their concerns through organizations such as


15 The modern World-Systems Theory originated around ________.


16 The World Systems Theory was developed by sociologist _________________.

Immanuel Wallenstein

17 According to World System Theory, core countries are ____________ countries.

Dominant capitalist

18 Peripheral countries, according to World System Theory are ______________ rich countries.

Labour and raw materials

19 Peripheral countries are also commonly referred as _____________ countries.

Third World

20 Countries that are midway between the core and periphery are called ___________.

Semi-peripheral countries

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