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Gender Studies MCQs Part IV

Gender Studies MCQs Part IV

11 The term ‘‘constructionism’’ was coined by who and when?

Seymour Papert, 1980’s

12 Social Constructionism uncovers the ways by which individuals construct what?

Their perceived social reality

13 The phrase Queer Theory was coined by whom and when?

Teresa de Laurites, 1991

14 A disease that causes male infants to appear like female till puberty is called

5 Alpha Reductase Deficiency

15 The theory that men and women should be treated equally also sometimes called as

Core Feminism or Core Feminist Theory

16 A person who supports feminism is called


17 What APWA stands for?

All Pakistan Women’s Association

18 APWA was started by whom?

Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan

19 APWA was established in the year of


20 What was the purpose of APWA establishment?

Furtherance of the moral, social and economic welfare of the women of Pakistan

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