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Gender Studies MCQs Part III

Gender Studies MCQs Part III

21 What does LGBT stand for?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender

22 What does Bisexual mean?

Having characteristics of both sexes

23 What Transgender means?

 A person whose identity and gender differs from birth sex

24 The first National Women’s Studies Association conference was held in the year


25 In Pakistan, Gender Studies in universities is taught on which pattern?

Europe and other countries

26 Name the first female minister of population in Pakistan

Dr. Attiya Inayatullah

27 Who was the first female finance minister in Pakistan?

Benazir Bhutto

28 Who was the first female law and human rights minister in Pakistan?

Shahida Jamil

29 Who was the first female foreign ministry spokesperson?

Tasleem Aslam

30 Name the first female judge of High Court of Pakistan

Majida Razvi

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