Gender Studies MCQs Part III
Gender Studies MCQs Part III. Gender Studies MCQs Part III. Gender Studies MCQs Part III.
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Gender Studies MCQs Part III
1 Attributes associated with girls and women are called
Gender Studies 800 MCQs
2 Androgynous are those people who exhibits combination of both
Masculine and feminine characteristics
3 Discrimination that a person face on the basis of gender is called
Gender discrimination
4 When the term empowerment became popular?
In the mid of 1980’s (especially in reference to women)
5 In gender studies what does empowerment mean?
Giving women power and authority equal to that of men
6 Where empoerment for women begins?
7 What is Gender Mainstreaming?
Public policy concept of assessing the different implications of different action policies for Men and women
8 The concept of gender mainstreaming was first proposed in the year of
9 When the concept of gender mainstreaming was given?
At Third World Conference on Women
10 Gender analysis uncovers what?
Gender relations effects on a development problem
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