World Important And Major Lakes MCQs
World Important And Major Lakes. which is and where is world largest, hotes, biggest lake? MCQs on important and major lakes. World Important and major lakes.
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World Important And Major Lakes MCQs
1 Which is the dirtiest lake in the world?
Lake Karachai
2 Where is Lake Karachai located?
General Knowledge 3200 MCQs
3 Which is the cleanest Great Lake?
Lake Superior
4 What is the name of the lake that is pink in color?
Lake Hillier
5 Where is pink lake located in the world?
6 Where is Lake Hillier located in the world?
7 Is there a lake in Australia that is naturally pink?
8 What is the name of the lake that mummifies living things that fall into it?
Lake Natron
9 Where is Lake Natron located in the world?
Tanzania (Africa)
10 What is the name of world hottest lake?
Fryingpan Lake
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