Everyday Science MCQs Part X
81 Pisciculture is the artificial breeding of
82 Apiculture is the science of breeding
Honeybees and honey production
83 The estimated average age of the universe starting from the big-bang is about
15 billion years
84 The average distance between Earth and Sun is equal to
Astronomical Unit
85 An Astronomical Unit (AU) is equal to
92,975,680 miles
86 Astronomical Scientists withdraw the planet status of Pluto on
24 August 2006
87 The Apollo Eleven Mission (Manned Mission To Moon) was launched on
16 July 1969
88 The Lunar Module of the Apollo Eleven Mission landed on the surface of the Moon on
20th July 1969
89 In the Solar System, which planet has the largest number of satellites?
90 The number of satellites of the Saturn is
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