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Everyday Science MCQs Part X

Everyday Science MCQs Part X

21 The normal number of chromosomes in human is


22 Light emitted from the Sun take how much time to reach the Earth?

About 500 seconds

23 Dr. Jonas Salk is known for

Anti-Polio Vaccine

24 A normal person blink his eyes on average

Every Six seconds

25 What is camel hump?

The camel’s reserve supply of energy

26 Why do people drink before meal?

To stimulate appetite

27 In medical science, a stroke occurs when

Blood supply to brain stops after an injury

28 The function of the nerve cells is to

Transmit messages

29 Military rockets that are aimed at a targeted point, before being fired are called

Ballistic missiles

30 The process by which gases enter and leaves the blood is called


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