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Everyday Science MCQs Part IX

Everyday Science MCQs Part IX

81 Which disease is caused by a protozoan?


82 The humus content of soil can be restored by


83 The movement of winds is caused by

Differences in pressure

84 The Earth’s atmosphere goes as high as

1500 miles

85 Frost damages some fruits and vegetables by

Freezing the plant juices

86 Equator is an imaginary line that divides the earth into

Two equals halves

87 Equator divides the Earth into

Northern and Southern Hemisphere

88 Potential energy is the energy

Which is stored in the molecules of matter

89 What is the difference between Algae and Fungi?

Algae has chlorophyll while Fungi has not

90 What is that poisonous gas that is used to purify water for consumption purposes?


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