Everyday Science MCQs Part IX
21 Antibodies that dissolve bacteria are called
22 The body is like an internal combustion machine in that it
Enables us to do work
23 One of the Kidney’s functions is to
Maintain the normal composition of blood
24 The Thyroid gland is in the
25 The most abundant organic molecules in living organisms are
26 Although some dogs seem to act intelligently, their responses do not appear to involve
27 Sulpha drugs are effective against diseases caused by
28 Buds formed at the ends of main shoot or branches are called
Terminal buds
29 What is that tropical plant which at some stages shoots upwards nearly 16 inches a day?
30 Blood cells, produced by Bone Marrows, depends upon the need of oxygen by the body. Thus a person living at high altitude in comparison with that living in plain area has
More blood cells
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