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Everyday Science MCQs Part IX

Everyday Science MCQs Part IX

11 What is the scientific explanation of weight?

The force of attraction of earth on a mass

12 There is a gap between the two pieces of railway line. What is this gap kept for?

To neutralize the expansion of lines

13 The art of preparation and preservation of the animal’s skin is called


14 Leukaemia is occurred due to

Marked increase in white corpuscles in blood

15 Cooking is more difficulty on mountain because

The pressure is comparatively low

16 Crescograph is a device for measuring

The growth of plants

17 The branch of medicine which specialises in the study and treatment of illness causing various kinds of behavioural disturbances is called


18 Arthritis is a disease of

Inflammation of joints

19 Treatment of rabies was discovered by

Louis Pasteur

20 Rabies is also called sometimes


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