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Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

41 The nearest, largest and brightest nebula known to earth is


42 A ship floats on water because

It displaces water more in weight than its own

43 Water kept in earthen pitchers remains cool because

Pitcher’s porous build promotes evaporation and consequent cooling

44 Suppose you are standing at the front end of a stationary boat and dive in the lake. In which direction will the boat move?


45 A streamline body is one which

Best overcome resistance of air, water etc

46 Peanuts in fact are


47 Oranges, water-melons and lemons are


48 The best conductor of electricity is


49 The term thermonuclear reaction refers to the heat released in


50 When a person smokes, his blood pressure is likely to


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