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Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

31 The changes that occur in a plant community over a period of a few centuries are usually called


32 Largest glands in the human body is


33 Habits are

Acquired automatic acts

34 A rocket works on the principle of

Conservation of Linear Momentum

35 Substances usually present in largest amount in ordinary food are

Carbohydrates and proteins

36 Substances in the blood that neutralizes the effect of certain foreign materials are called


37 The pituitary gland is located in the


38 The approximate number of Red Blood Cells which are formed and destroyed everyday is


39 Normally the pulse rate is the same as

The vein beats

40 A pendulum of length 1 m has a period of 2 seconds. The period of pendulum of length 2 m is

2.8 seconds

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