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Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

21 There is a small very common bird in which the life force burns with the fury of a nuclear reactor. The pulse rate if the bird may come to over 1000 beats a minute. Which is that bird?


22 If the length of the pendulum of the clock is decreased, it will

Go fast

23 According to the Laws of Planetary Motion all planets of the Solar System moves around the Sun in an

Elliptical way

24 According to the Laws of Planetary Motion all planets of the Solar System move fast when

They are nearest to the sun

25 Instrument which is used to study the behaviour of vibrating strings is called


26 Viruses were first crystalized by


27 Chloromycetin is the drug used for


28 Is any change in weight occurs when we move from equator of the Earth to either pole?


29 As a body moves from equator to pole, its weight increases by

½ percent

30 The force that anybody exert on anything which support it, is called


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