Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII
11 The process by which a heavy nucleus splits into two nuclei is known as
12 Energy which a body has because of its state of motion is called
Kinetic Energy
13 The Earth is farthest from the Sun in
Early July
14 What is Photosphere?
The 500 miles deep bright surface of the Sun
15 Water boils at 100 Centigrade. How much is it at Fahrenheit Scale?
212 Fahrenheit
16 What makes the fog to disappear?
Increase of heat in the atmosphere
17 Artificial Radioactivity was discovered in
18 The TWO French scientists who discovered Artificial Radioactivity were
Joliot and Irene Curie
19 Who discovered Vitamin which we are told, are essential for healthy and vigorous life?
R.C. Funk
20 Thorium is obtained mainly from
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