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Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII. Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII.

Every Day Science MCQs Part VIII

1 Red, Yellow and Blue are known as

Primary pigments

2 Newton postulated his corpuscular theory of light on the basis of

Rectilinear propagation of light

3 Legumes such as clover restore to the soil compounds of


4 Safety Match was invented by


5 Measles is an

Airborne disease

6 To correct a low Red Cell count, a doctor would most likely suggest

A special diet

7 James Watson and Francis Crack are two scientists known for their discovery of

The structure of DNA

8 The Atomic Bomb is

A fission bomb

9 It is difficult to write legibly with a fountain pen on newspaper because of

Capillary Action

10 As the amount of clay in a soil increases its water retaining capacity


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