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Every Day Science MCQs Part VII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VII

81 A term that may be applied to all disease-producing micro-organisms is


82 If a red rose is observed in a background with red light, then it will appear


83 A transformer is used to

Convert A.C voltage

84 What is Plasma?

The essential fluid portion of the blood

85 Epilepsy is

A disease of the nervous system

86 Such creatures such grasshopper, sponges, crabs and snails are in medical science called


87 Which organ of the body produces fluid known as bile?


88 Pimples appears on face due to

Condition of puberty or skin disease

89 The nerves that conveys messages such as the thing being hot, cold or transmitting pain to the central system are called

Sensory nerves

90 Which is the heaviest flying bird?


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