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Every Day Science MCQs Part VII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VII

Every Day Science MCQs Part VII. Every Day Science MCQs Part VII. Every Day Science MCQs Part VII.

Every Day Science MCQs Part VII

1 What is the name of the force that pulls every object in the universe?


2 If the mass of the one of the attracting body is halved, the gravitational force will be


3 When we say that all motions in the universe are relative what we actually mean is that it is

Related to something else

4 Oxygen combines with other elements and produces what is called oxidation or burning. When oxidation is very quick what is it called?


5 At a certain temperature, water changes its shape and changes from liquid to solid. What s that temperature?

Zero Degree Centigrade (0 C)

6 The process that takes millions of years of convert rock into soil is called


7 Can you the substance that is present in earth crust but does not come from a living thing?


8 Silver is admittedly a soft metal. It is combined with some other metals to make it ideal for making jewellery and coins. What is that metal?


9 Sapphire is a gem. Its colour is


10 Many artificial fibre such as rayon, plastic and paper are made from


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