Every Day Science MCQs Part VI
31 Absolute Zero is
Theoretically the lowest possible temperature
32 Superphotonic speed is the speed
More than light
33 When your carpet gets dirty or dusty, you generally clean it with a stick. Scientifically, this action of yours is explained is explained by using one of Newton’s Laws of Motion. Which law can you explained is involved in the act?
Newton’s First Law of Motion
34 If the air temperature is lower than that of body temperature heat is lost chiefly by
Radiation and Convection
35 Generally the approximate limit of visible spectrum is
4000 to 7000 A
36 Drugs used to relieve pain are
37 The scientist who first recognized and named the nucleus was
Robert Brown
38 Which ray has the shortest wavelength?
Gamma ray
39 In a green plant nitrates are used in the production of
40 Secretion of bile does not contain
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