Education Of Freedom – CSS Essay
The essay cover topics such as “Education of freedom essay. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. Why is freedom of education important? Relationship between freedom and education. Education is the key to freedom essay. How is education related to freedom?”
Effects Of Globalization On Education
Education Of Freedom
Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom – John Adams

A major portion of knowledge is opinion based. These opinions are of those people who have encountered challenges and have experienced both failure and success in their lives. They have recorded their experiences so that other people could get guidance from it. Similarly they have also recorded their opinions on matters other than those related with material life so that the people could know what they were thinking about it and how it feels when you have a particular gift such as freedom. Because of this reason, we see that throughout the history, the idea of freedom has always been spread by the learned people only through their speeches and writings. These scholars have not only discussed the idea of freedom in their writings but also always have drawn a beautiful sketch of the life after independence, which has always rose the spirit of people for freedom to a new zenith. To maintain freedom and always kept its importance at highest level, it is important to educate people about it.
Before we discuss the relation of education and freedom and to understand how education empowers the enthusiasm of freedom in masses, it is important to know what freedom is. A wide spread definition of freedom is that ‘‘it is the power that a person possess to think, speak and act freely without any fear of oppression from anybody, either public or private.’’ Initially the term was used to be only in political perspective but over past few decades its scope has widened and now it is used in different regards such as religious freedom, social freedom, freedom of education and freedom of expression and so on. The term freedom traces its origin to ancient Greece, where it was used only in perspective of political actions. Politics at that time could be practiced by only those who have freed themselves from necessities of life so that they could execute their duties faithfully.
Challenges in Higher Education
The idea of freedom can be spread among the masses in different ways. The detail of which is given in the following paragraphs.
Religion and religious practices hold an important position in human life. For every community their religion is their identity and whenever it comes to religious practices people always took strong measures against all those actions that could either directly or indirectly affect it. Because of this reason we could see that almost every freedom movement of the world, along with social and political aspects, has a religious background as well. Whenever members of a particular community in a society have felt religious persecution, they have immediately launched freedom movement. Such movement has always been encouraged by leaders of different backgrounds. Particularly religious leaders have always played an important role in this regard. They during their speeches have endorsed freedom demand of people and have declared it as a sacred movement by giving references from religious books and history.
Co-education – Merits And Demerits
No freedom struggle can be successful unless all members of the community contribute their part in it and this is possible only if they know the agenda and objectives behind the movement. Society can be mobilised only if people are educated about the cause of struggle. To educate people about freedom it is necessary that the idea of independence should be transmitted from elites to common people because only then people would be more able to put their part in the struggle. The idea of freedom can be spread by discussing it both at individual and public level in markets and other public places. People with high reputation in society can be of great significance because people listen to them and follow them whole heartedly. Similarly native leaders can also play an important role in this regard because they being the leader of society can easily acquire attention of the people. Their participation in freedom struggle itself bears a strong appealing force. Another useful way of public mobilization is the spread of idea through publication of articles and books. One of the famous example of this is the spread of idea of Enlightenment in America during colonial period by Benjamin Franklin, who published ‘‘Poor Richard’s Almanack’’ to both entertain colonists and instil Enlightenment values in them which later on became the basis of freedom movement.
Higher Education is An Agent Of Change
Educational institutions have always played an important role in the social, political and economic uplift of a society. These are centres where existing ideas are inculcated in students and new are generated. Being the centres of training for youth, these are the perfect institutions where the idea of independence can easily be instilled in students in a mild way at all levels of learning. Alongside the idea of freedom, the principles of unity, solidarity, faithfulness and patriotism should also be taught to students as these norms and values keeps people united and faithful towards each other.
Political gathering from time to time and political activities on various forums are very helpful in raising the political awareness of the people. Various small and large political forums can be actively used for instilling freedom ideas in masses. These forums can also serve as motivation platforms that can boost people’s energy for freedom struggle from time to time by arranging political meetings, conventions and rallies. These activities keep masses enthusiasm at its peak and they stay committed to the cause of freedom struggle.
Role Of Education in Character Building
The education of freedom has various impacts on society. These effects are usually useful for community and they can be observed in the following ways.
Socially the education of freedom intensifies the character of social unity among the masses. Society appears to be more united than ever before. The struggle of independence ties people of the same idea in the string of love, respect and care for each other. The element of social brotherhood became more common in society. Similarly their united cause also forces them to support each other for the achievement of goal. Likewise the idea of freedom movement began to discuss at every level of social setup which not only politically educate people but also produced enthusiastic workers who can effectively face any challenge in the line of achieving their goal.
Education Produce Thinkers Not Followers
On political bases, the education of freedom produces political awareness among the masses. It educates people about the running political system of the country and their position and role in it. It aware people about their rights and duties and united them for the demand of their legitimate rights. One of the great advantages of the education of freedom on political bases is that it produces great political leaders who with their deep political insights lead their nation towards their goal successfully.
On academic level education of freedom aside from producing enthusiastic workers also produces great political scholars and philosophers who by their ideas and views inspired others and unite them and lead them towards their final objective. Similarly educational institute also serve as publishing centres which by publishing articles and books can easily unite people for the cause of freedom.
To launch a successful freedom movement for independence, education of freedom has a key role in it. It raised the standard of political awareness of general public and endorses the feelings of love, respect, care and brotherhood among the masses. It apprises people of their basic rights and duties and produces great political leaders. Similarly it also provides great political analyst, scholars and philosophers. In short, education of freedom has for its seekers all-in-all advantages.
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