Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part I
61 What is an economic theory?
A tested hypothesis
62 Equity of tax is the aspect of taxation which is related to which type of economics?
Normative economics
63 Contraction of demand occurs due to
Increase in the price of the concerned commodity
64 Tea and Coffee is a best example of
65 In the case of a straight-line demand curve meeting the two axes, What would be the price elasticity of demand at the mid-point of the line?
One (1)
66 The Law of Demand assuming other things to remain the same, establishes a relationship between what?
Price of a commodity and the quantity demanded
67 In case of an inferior good, what is the income elasticity of demand?
68 Total utility is maximum at what value of Marginal utility?
69 If the demand for a commodity is inelastic, an increase in its price will cause what effect on the total expenditure of the consumers of the commodity?
70 If regardless of changes in its price, the quantity demanded of a commodity remains unchanged then what will be the shape of the demand curve for the commodity?
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