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Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part V

Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part V

51 What is another name of Government Finance?

Public finance

52 What is a direct tax?

Tax paid by a person on whom it is levied

53 Which type of tax better conforms to the principles of equality?

Progressive tax

54 What is a net tax?

Total taxes minus government transfer payments

55 In which type of tax a tax payer can shift the burden of tax to someone else?

Indirect tax

56 How equitable distribution of income can be brought to a country?


57 Which tax is easy and convenient to pay?

Direct tax

58 what is the main source of revenue for the local government bodies?

Property tax

59 Who presented the Theory of comparative advantage?


60 When trade between two countries is useful?

Cost ratio of goods are different

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