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Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part IV

Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part IV

81 What does speculative demand for money depends on?

Rate of interest

82 What will happen if money supply in a country decreases?

Prices will fall

83 In the equation MV = PY,  what is V?

Velocity of the circulation of money

84 In the equation MV = PY, What is M?

Money supply

85 According to Keynes, how many motive are there for holding money?

Three (3)

86 What Quantity Theory of Money explains?

Value of money depends upon quantity of money

87 Does Cross cheque has a cross (X) sign?

No it does not have a cross sign

88 What are types of Inflation?

Demand Pull and Cost Push

89 What does Liquidity of a monetary asset means?

Ready acceptability of monetary asset

90 What does Barter means?

Trade without the use of money

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