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Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part IV

Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part IV

51 What Circular flow income includes?

Income and expenditure

52 What does the National income of a country not include?

Illegal and unreported income

53 Persons having joint family budget, in economics they are called


54 At equilibrium level of national income, saving is equal to what?


55 A Rise in exports may case a rise in

National Income

56 What is Marginal propensity to consume?

A ratio of additional income consumed

57 What is aggregate demand?

Aggregate expenditure

58 What is MPC?

Change in consumption divided by change in income

59 A Coin of Rupee is an example of

Token money

60 Which kind of cheque cash cannot be drawn directly from the bank?

Cross cheque

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