Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part III
81 What does devaluation of money means?
Decrease in the value of the money in terms of foreign currency
82 Wall Street in New York, USA is associated with which activity?
Banking and Finance
83 Change in the living standard of people in a country means positive change in
Per capita income
84 To counter rising prices, one of the best ways would be to
Increase the availability of goods
85 The Theory of Surplus Value is associated with what?
Guild Socialism
86 Where the Law of Diminishing Returns applies?
87 What is the cause of high inflation?
High prices
88 Banks charge higher rate of interest on what basis?
Risk involved
89 In which case Supply usually lags behind?
90 Entrepreneur organizes and takes all responsibility for the business bearing the risk that it
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