Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part III
71 Who originally formulated the hypothesis of development with unlimited supplies of labor?
A. Lewis
72 The labor force engagement in agriculture decreases with
Economic growth
73 Shadow prices are useful in which sphere?
Project evaluation and cost benefit analyses
74 According to the Schumpeter’s model, from where the innovating entrepreneurs gets the necessary finance?
75 H. Myint was particularly associated with which kind of dualism?
Financial dualism
76 What characterized the second stage of the theory of demographic transition?
High birth-rate and falling death-rate
77 What does perspective planning means?
Long term planning
78 What Marx attributed the capitalist crisis to?
Falling rate of profit
79 According to R. Nurkse investment in an underdeveloped economy is limited mainly by the
Size of the market
80 On what the economy of Brazil is mostly dependent?
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