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Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part III

Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part III

51 The theory of social dualism was put forward by

H. Boeke

52 The phrase ‘demonstration effect’ was coined by

James Duessenberry

53 To achieve full economic growth, Malthus laid special emphasis on the proper combination of what?

Production and distribution

54  According to Malthus what puts a stop to the growth process?

Deficiency in effective demand

55  According to Malthus what makes an economy move downwards in the long run to the subsistence level

Population pressure

56  Ricardo in the context of economic growth emphasized which sector the most?


57 According to Ricardo scheme of things, savings are provided by whom?


58 In the Ricardian system, to whom a crucial role in the development process was assigned?


59 Unemployment created due to change in demand or technological conditions in an economy is known as

Structural unemployment

60 Rostow defined and analyzed how many stages of economic growth?

Five (5)

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