Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part III
41 What does net retained earning from abroad means?
Net undistributed profits of resident and non-resident companies
42 Interest on public debt is a part of what?
Transfer payments by the government
43 Subsidy is not a government transfer payments to whom?
44 Income from property is a part of what?
Operating surplus
45 What unilateral payments are known as?
Transfer payments
46 What does domestic incomes refer to?
Incomes which are generated by all the producers within the geographical territory of the country
47 Gross Domestic Product differs from Net Domestic Product by what amount?
Consumption of fixed capital
48 The concept of economic growth is narrower from which other concept?
Economic development
49 The division of labor according to Adam Smith is limited by what extent?
The quantity of capital available
50 Among the various determinants of the growth of national wealth Adam Smith accorded central place to what?
Division of labor
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