Economics MCQs For Lectureship CSS PMS And NTS Part III
21 What does corporate enterprises refers to?
Business houses that are independent of their owners
22 What does Subsistence productions means?
Production for self-consumption only
23 What gross domestic fixed-capital formation does not include?
Net purchase of second hand machinery by private corporate sector from Government
24 By how much the value of output differs from the value added?
Intermediate consumption
25 What will be the value of net investment if consumption of capital is equal to gross fixed investment?
Net investment is zero
26 Net value added is equal to what?
Payments accruing to factors of production
27 What does operating surplus implies?
Net income from property and entrepreneurship
28 When operating surplus arises?
All producing enterprises in the corporate sector
29 By what amount operating surplus differs from net value added?
Compensation of employees
30 What are transfer payments?
Payments which are made without any exchange of goods and services
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